In this article, we will explore a range of programming languages, with their features and differences that distinguish them from one other.
There are many types of programming language and the correct one depends on the philosophy and objectives of the device or program. The Advanced version of this course covers these topics in more depth, allowing students to deepen their understanding and experience.For computers, mobile phones, tablets, and other electronic devices to work, a programming language is necessary to issue the commands which allow them to complete different activities. The foundations of software engineering including: major development paradigms (such as big plan up front, agile, and formal methods), risk are introduced. The theory of data structures and their time and space complexity will thus be tied to the practice of using standard collections such as those offered by object oriented languages. The course includes a deeper treatment of data structures, using hash tables, trees and lists, which are used to provide concrete implementations of abstract library collection types. The important role of standard libraries and their collection types will be emphasized. Inheritance, polymorphism, and parametric types are taught, as well as concepts such as boxing and auto boxing. Students will be introduced to an industrial strength object oriented programming language, extending their understanding of the imperative programming paradigm with a solid grounding in object oriented programming. Students will extend their understanding of software productivity tools, using revision control for group work, and be introduced to test-driven development as an integral part of software construction.
Major foci are data structures, object oriented programming, and an introduction to software engineering. This course introduces students to the fundamentals of software development with a substantial group software project at its center.